Three regional professionals link up for live events - Davies Tracey - Accountants in Tees Valley
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Three regional professionals link up for live events


Now that we are firmly in 2023, alongside other experienced regional professionals, we have decided that not only is it time to get local businesses focussed on their long-term plans, but it is also time to get businesses together in person to do so.

We are coming together with Chartered Financial Planners Mercury Wealth Management, and legal and professional services business Knights, to host an event for any business considering selling in the next five or so years. The February event will take place in our Stockton head office, with tickets free on a first come, first served basis.

With Oliver Bourke, MD of Mercury Wealth – who has been voted one of the Top 35 Advisers under 35 in the UK in New Model Adviser – leading proceedings, the ‘Early Planning for Business Sales’ event promises be hugely insightful for attendees, who will explore several scenarios and ultimately ask themselves ‘how much is enough?’.

Ray Priestman, Practice Manager at Davies Tracey, explains the idea behind the event:

“The last few years have seen businesses very much focus on the short term to get through the unexpected challenges brought up by the pandemic. Recently, we’ve found that this means that businesses are playing ‘catch up’ when it comes to the things that we advise are most advantageous as part of a long-term business plan, so it’s definitely time to re-focus. This event’s content – the sale of a business – is the perfect example, as with so many tax and legal implications to consider, and with owners aiming to extract as much value as they can, it’s a huge task made much more manageable by early planning.

The last few years have also seen us all become accustomed to online events, which are a great option, but we also think it’s time for businesses to rebuild the relationships than are undeniably better created through in-person meetings. Us coming together with Mercury Wealth and Knights leads the way in terms of showing what joined-up thinking with like-minded professionals can do, and we look forward to others joining us at this and future events to future-proof their business and finances.”

The event will take place on Monday 20th February at 4-6pm, and you can secure your place by clicking here. Even if selling is only a possibility within your plans, you’re advised to book early for this informative event.


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